Metal Random Packing and Structured Packing




  • The Aite Mass Transfer Technology R&D Committee has been officially established!
    July 03, 2024

    In order to accelerate the development of new productive forces, strengthen the company's technological innovation efforts, strengthen the organization and coordination of the company's research and development work, improve the company's technological innovation ability and research and development efficiency, the company held a election meeting for the members of the Technology Research and Development Committee, and officially established the Technology Research and Development Committee. General Manager Xu Zhe, Deputy General Manager Xiang Lingyun, and relevant responsible persons attended. At the meeting, based on the admission conditions for committee members in the Technology Research and Development Management Plan, and on a voluntary basis, six comrades including Peng Nanjiang, Li Jianjun, Liu Mingfa, Ma Chunhua, Liu Yun, and Wu Panhu were selected as the first members of the Technology Research and Development Committee through employee self recommendation, candidate committee members for election speeches, and general manager evaluation. A Technology Research and Development Committee was established, with General Manager Xu Zhe as the director and Deputy General Manager Xiang Lingyun as the deputy director. Finally, General Manager Xu Zhe evaluated the election and proposed specific job requirements. He pointed out that all members should have the same goal, unite as one, play a leading role as a model, solidly promote the company's various research and development work, and actively discover and cultivate technical backbone and talents, making positive contributions to the smooth realization of the company's strategic goals and promoting the long-term development of the company. The establishment of the Technology Research and Development Committee will effectively promote the company's technology research and innovation capabilities, laying a solid foundation for continuously improving the company's core competitiveness and promoting its long-term development.

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  • Domain name was changed from to
    June 27, 2024

    Hello everyone, after comprehensive consideration and communication , we have decided to change the website domain name to to avoid losing customers and causing the pages already included to not open,we will make a 301 redirect for and redirect it to Please kindly be informed.

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  • What Is A Ceramic Raschig Rings Used For?
    June 20, 2024

    There is a sort of random packing known as ceramic Raschig rings that is used in chemical process towers and columns. These rings are comparable to their metal counterparts. Ceramic Raschig rings are fabricated from a wide variety of ceramic materials, including porcelain, alumina, and other refractory ceramics, along with additional substances. Ceramic Raschig rings are comparable to those of metal Raschig rings in terms of both their design and their form. In terms of form, they are cylindrical, and their height is proportional to their diameter. The rings are arranged in a vertical stack inside the column, which results in a high interfacial area that facilitates the effective transfer of mass. The model’s bulk weight ranges from  model Bulk weight 15-16 750KG/m³ 19-20 730KG/m³ 25 700KG/m³ 38-40 650KG/m³ 50 600KG/m³ Raschig rings made of ceramic provide a number of benefits and are chosen in particular applications, including the following:   Ceramic materials offer a strong resistance to corrosion and chemical deterioration, making them a good choice for use in construction. As a result of their ability to tolerate hostile chemical conditions, Ceramic Raschig rings are appropriate for use in processes that include compounds that undergo corrosion.High temperature resistance: Ceramic rings are able to sustain high temperatures without experiencing considerable damage. It is common practice to use them in procedures that entail the application of high heat. 3. Thermal stability: Ceramic materials have a high level of thermal stability, which means that they are able to withstand sudden shifts in temperature without splitting or breaking. The presence of this feature is advantageous for operations that are subject to temperature variations. 4. Electrical insulation Ceramic materials that are electrically insulating may be helpful in applications that need electrical insulation because of their ability to insulate electrical current. 5. Lower cost: Ceramic Raschig rings are often more cost-effective than their metal equivalents, which is one of the reasons why they are the favored option in some applications. Ceramic Raschig rings are often used in a variety of applications, including but not limited to distillation, absorption, stripping, gas scrubbing, and catalytic reactions. The advantages that they provide are comparable to those that metal Raschig rings offer, but they also have the additional benefit of being resistant to chemicals and stable at high temperatures. The decision between ceramic Raschig rings and metal Raschig rings is determined by the unique needs of the process. These criteria include the chemical composition of the substances that are being processed, the temperatures at which the process is being carried out, and budgetary concerns. Applications of ceramic Raschig rings include: Raschig rings made of ceramic are used in a variety of chemical engineering and industrial operations, including the following situations: 1. Distillation: Ceramic Raschig rings are often used in distillation columns primarily for the purpose of random packing. By facilitating the effective movement of mass between the liquid and vapor phases, they contribute to the overall process of facilitating the separation of components depending on their respective boiling points. 2. Absorption: Ceramic Raschig rings are used in absorption operations in order to improve the point of contact between a gas stream and a liquid absorbent. Because of this, it is possible to move one or more components from the gas phase to the liquid phase for the purpose of purification or separation. 3. Stripping: Ceramic Raschig rings may be used in the process of stripping or desorption in order to remove volatile components from a liquid stream. When a stripping gas or vapor is passed through a column that is packed with ceramic rings, it is possible to assist effective mass transfer, which ultimately results in the removal of components that are not needed. 4. Gas scrubbing: Ceramic Raschig rings are versatile enough to be used in gas scrubbing applications, which include the removal of pollutants or impurities from a gas stream. The rings provide a high surface area that allows for close contact between the gas and a liquid cleansing solution. This makes it possible for the pollutants to be effectively absorbed or chemically reacted. 5. On the subject of catalytic reactions, Raschig rings made of ceramic may be exploited as catalyst support structures in specific catalytic reactions. The rings provide a large surface area for the deposition of catalytic materials, which contributes to the promotion of the chemical processes that are required. 6. Heat transfer: Ceramic Raschig rings are used as a medium for heat transmission in a number of different applications. The rings improve the effectiveness of heat transmission inside a heat exchanger or reactor by increasing the surface area of the device. This makes it possible for thermal operations to be carried out effectively. It is essential to keep in mind that the selection of Ceramic Raschig rings for a particular application is contingent upon a number of factors, including the chemical compatibility of the ceramic material with the process streams, the operating temperatures, the pressure conditions, and the desired efficiency of mass transfer or heat transfer. Raschig rings made of material made of ceramic: Ceramic Raschig rings may be fabricated from a wide variety of ceramic materials, the selection of which is contingent on the particular application and the specifications of the desired process. Some examples of common ceramic materials that are utilized in the production of ceramic Raschig rings are as follows: 1. Alumina (Al2O3): Ceramic Raschig rings made from alumina are very popular because of their superior chemical resistance, stability at high temperatures, and mechanical strength. They are able to tolerate severe chemical conditions and are suited for a wide variety of applications with similar requirements. 2. Porcelain: To create porcelain ceramic Raschig rings, a combination of clay, kaolin, and feldspar is used in the manufacturing process. They have a high level of chemical resistance and are often used in applications that must be carried out in environments with moderate temperatures and circumstances that are corrosive. 3. Silicon carbide (SiC) is the third material on the list. The extraordinary thermal stability and resilience to high temperatures that ceramic Raschig rings possess have earned them a distinguished reputation. The majority of the often, they are used in applications that are subjected to exceptionally high temperatures and harsh chemical conditions. 4. Zirconia (ZrO2): Ceramic Raschig rings made of zirconia material provide exceptional resistance to thermal stress and stability at high temperatures. These materials are excellent for use in applications that need resistance to thermal cycling as well as fast temperature variations. 5. Ceramic composites: Ceramic Raschig rings may be constructed from composite materials in some circumstances. This involves blending several ceramic compositions in order to attain certain qualities. In order to offer better chemical resistance, mechanical strength, or any other desirable features, these composites may be customized to meet specific requirements. The selection of a ceramic material for Raschig rings is contingent upon a number of parameters, including the particular application, the chemical composition of the process streams, the operating temperatures, the pressure conditions, and the performance requirements that are sought. The selection of a ceramic material that is capable of withstanding the circumstances of the process and that offers the required chemical resistance, thermal stability, and mechanical strength for the application in question is of utmost importance. Ceramic Raschig rings are particularly useful for a wide range of applications in chemical engineering and industrial processes due to the fact that they possess a number of significant characteristics. Notable characteristics of Ceramic Raschig rings include the following: 1. Ceramic materials that are utilized in Raschig rings, such as alumina, porcelain, or silicon carbide, have good chemical resistance. This is one of the defining characteristics of these materials. As a result of their ability to tolerate corrosive and hostile chemical conditions without experiencing considerable deterioration, they are excellent for applications that include acids, alkalis, and other compounds that are aggressive to corrosion. 2. Resistance to high temperatures: Ceramic Raschig rings are well-known for their capacity to tolerate temperatures that are very high. High-temperature stability is shown by them, and they are able to function in applications that are subjected to circumstances of extreme temperatures without suffering a major loss of their chemical or physical characteristics. Because of this, they are appropriate for operations that involve the transmission of heat, reactions that take place at high temperatures, or thermal cycling. 3. High mechanical strength Ceramic Raschig rings have a high mechanical strength, which enables them to endure high pressures and mechanical stresses that are often encountered in industrial operations. The structural integrity of its construction may be preserved even when subjected to rigorous working circumstances. 4. When it comes to thermal shock resistance, the ceramic materials that are used in Raschig rings often demonstrate exceptional thermal shock resistance. They are able to resist sudden changes in temperature without cracking or breaking any of its components. The significance of this feature cannot be overstated in the context of operations that include temperature cycling or in situations where rapid temperature changes may occur. 5. Electrical insulation Ceramic materials that are electrically insulating may be helpful in applications that need electrical insulation because of their ability to insulate electrical current. Ceramic Raschig rings are appropriate for use in procedures that include electrical equipment or in situations where electrical separation is required because of this property. 6. Ceramic Raschig rings are often more cost-effective than their metal counterparts, which makes them an inexpensive alternative for some applications. This is because ceramic Raschig rings are made of ceramic. Because they are able to provide the required performance at a cost that is substantially lower, they are appealing to industries that are searching for solutions that are both efficient and relatively inexpensive. Seventh, the availability of a variety of sizes and forms Ceramic Raschig rings are available in a wide range of sizes and shapes, which enables flexibility in design and optimization for particular process needs. Individualization is made possible by the variety of alternatives, which allows for the achievement of the required mass transfer efficiency and pressure drop characteristics. The combination of these characteristics makes Ceramic Raschig rings appropriate for a broad variety of applications, including as the processes of distillation, absorption, stripping, gas scrubbing, catalytic reactions, and heat transmission.

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  • 2024 Achema Chemical and Biological Industry International Exhibition in Germany
    June 11, 2024

    Fair time: June 10th to 14th,2024. Fair cycle: Triennial Fair place: Frankfurt exhibition centre The Achema Exhibition in Germany opened grandly at the Frankfurt Exhibition Center. ACHEMA stands for Ausssellung f ü r Chemicals Apparatewesen in German and is known as the "Chemical Equipment Exhibition" in Germany. The exhibition continues to pay attention to the trends of the times, focusing on technological innovation and industrial development trends. The exhibition has expanded its content to include process equipment, automation and digital technology, industrial safety, pharmaceutical processes and equipment, laboratory equipment, and other fields. It focuses on the technological needs of industries such as chemical engineering, environmental protection, biology, pharmaceuticals, and food, and is committed to comprehensively showcasing the latest global technologies and providing innovative solutions for the industry. In 2024, ACHEMA is expected to attract approximately 150000 visitors and over 3800 exhibitors from 130 countries/regions, and hold multiple professional seminars. At this exhibition, Jiangxi Aite Mass Transfer Technology Co., Ltd. received several domestic and foreign clients for consultation, exchange, and visits。 Our team members have demonstrated exceptional business skills and excellent service attitude. Through friendly and friendly communication and high-quality service, they actively communicate with customers, which has aroused great interest and recognition in the company's strategy and products. We rely on the close cooperation and tacit understanding of our team, promote team spirit, help each other, showcase our talents, strive for excellence, carefully organize and arrange booth layout and product display, and provide customers with meticulous, thoughtful, professional, efficient, and personalized services, fully demonstrating the company's brand image and strength.

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  • Do you know the origin of Dragon Boat Festival?
    June 05, 2024

    The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is a traditional festival in China - the Dragon Boat Festival. For more than 2000 years, the Dragon Boat Festival has been a festival for all ethnic groups in China to commemorate folk customs. From dragon boat riding, eating Zongzi, and planting calamus in ancient times to today's national fitness, epidemic prevention and disease elimination, avoiding plague and summer heat, and praying for health, many ancient customs have been passed down completely. The Origin and Legend of Dragon Boat Festival There are various theories about the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival, from celebrity stories to seasonal legends. There have been multiple versions such as the "Qu Yuan Theory", "Wu Zixu Theory", and "Summer Solstice Theory". Do you know all of them? In Memory of Qu Yuan According to historical records, on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in 278 BC, Qu Yuan, a high-ranking official of the State of Chu, wrote his masterpiece "Huaisha" in grief and anger upon hearing the news that the Qin army had captured the capital of the State of Chu, and threw himself into the Miluo River to die for his country. When people along the river knew about it, they carried boats to salvage it and threw Zongzi into the river to prevent fish and shrimp from eating his body. Later, the custom of eating Zongzi was formed on this day. Therefore, the Dragon Boat Festival is also called "Zongzi Festival". In Memory of Wu Zixu In addition to commemorating Qu Yuan, there is also a legend that during the Spring and Autumn period, after the father and brother of Wu Zixu, a native of Chu, were killed by the cruel King Ping of Chu, he fled to Wu to help Wu become stronger step by step and conquer Chu to avenge his father and brother. Summer solstice theory In 1983, Mr. Liu Deqian proposed in his book "A Theory on the Origin of the Dragon Boat Festival" that it originated from the summer solstice of the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties. His explanation was derived from the description of the Dragon Boat Festival in "Suihua Jier", which stated that "the sun is shining on the leaves, and the time is mid summer." This means that the Dragon Boat Festival is in the middle of summer, so it is also known as the "Summer Festival" or "Tianzhong Festival". As for the custom of racing and eating Zongzi, people in the Sui Dynasty regarded them as entertainment activities on the summer solstice, rather than the poet Qu Yuan who salvaged the river. Evil Sun Theory   In the pre Qin period, the ancients generally believed that May was the month of poison. According to legend, on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, evil craftsmen were in power and the five poisons emerged simultaneously. Therefore, the fifth day of the fifth lunar month was considered an "evil day". In "L ü Shi Chun Qiu", there is a chapter that stipulates: people should abstain from desires and fast on this day; After the pre Qin period, this day was also considered an unlucky day. People would insert mugwort leaves to ward off disasters and evil spirits, and drink realgar wine to avoid epidemics. The customs of the Dragon Boat Festival There are so many aliases for the Dragon Boat Festival, isn't it because there are also many customs? Indeed, but they can be roughly divided into two categories: One type is sacrifice, which is the use of dragon totems for worship, such as dragon boat races. The other is to drive disasters away, that is, to eliminate poison, evil, evil and ghosts, such as eating Zongzi, hanging wormwood, or drinking realgar wine. Dragon boat racing From the story of "commemorating Qu Yuan" in which fishermen rowed boats to search for Qu Yuan, it has evolved to the days before and after the Dragon Boat Festival, where "dragon boat races" are held in both the north and south of the Yangtze River. The boatmen on the dragon boat paddle and compete at speed on the river, which has a history of more than 1500 years in China. Eating Zongzi In memory of Qu Yuan, people in the State of Chu used bamboo tubes to hold rice and threw it into the river for a memorial ceremony. This is the origin of the earliest Zongzi in China - tube zongzi. After thousands of years of inheritance and development, most of the current Zongzi are wrapped in Ruo leaves and made of glutinous rice and yellow rice. Different regions have different practices, such as sweet zongzi with different tastes, meat zongzi with different materials, etc.   Hanging mugwort The reason why the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in history is called "Poison Day" is because in May, the climate gradually rises and it is also the rainy season, with more mosquitoes and heavy humidity. The ancients believed that May was the "Poison Month". In the "Jingchu Suishi Ji", it is recorded that "picking mugwort is like a person, hanging it on the door to ward off poisonous gas." It is written that mugwort is a medicinal plant that can both treat diseases and repel insects. Ancient people often hung several mugwort plants at their doorstep to prevent mosquitoes and ward off evil spirits. Realgar wine Realgar and traditional Chinese medicine can be added to wine to make medicinal wine. Therefore, drinking realgar wine was also a custom of ancient people to avoid plague and poison. But in ancient times, many places only mixed realgar with wine, sun dried it, and applied it to children's foreheads and noses for treatment, and did not drink it. Because although realgar can be used in traditional Chinese medicine, it is toxic. Do not drink it hastily.  

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  • Fxsino is going to attend ACHEMA fair Germany in 2024 from June 10th to June 14th
    April 18, 2024

    FXSINO is going to attend the ACHEMA fair in 2024 which will be held in from June 10 to June 14 in Frankfurt,Germany. Our booth number is Hall 6.1 B72-5, welcome to visit . Basic Introduction for ACHEMA: The ACHEMA Biochemical Technology and Environmental Protection Exhibition in Frankfurt, Germany, abbreviated as "ACHEMA Exhibition" in Chinese, is organized by the German Association for Chemical and Biological Skills and is held every three years. Since the first session was held in 1920, 33 sessions have been successfully held so far. The Achema Exhibition has a glorious history of 100 years and is undoubtedly recognized by the industry as a top forum in the international process industry. It is the largest and most influential professional exhibition in the fields of chemical industry, environmental maintenance, and biological skills.

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  • Corrugated plastic Packing PTFE
    April 18, 2024

    Plastic orifice plate corrugated packing, with small holes on the packing sheet,(Corrugated plastic Packing PTFE )has high energy, low pressure drop and high specific surface area. It can increase output, reduce energy consumption and improve efficiency. Plastic orifice corrugated packing, the packing is orderly arranged, and the solid particles contained in the material can be discharged through the corrugated bottom of the packing, with excellent anti-blocking performance. The operating flexibility is greater than that of general tower. Corrugated plastic Packing PTFE.Replace bulk tower packing. It can improve production efficiency by 50%. Suitable for large-volume tower. Corrugated plastic Packing PTFE. Plastic orifice corrugated packing,  Corrugated plastic Packing PTFEammonia desulfurization process, raw materials mainly include PP, RPP and PVDF. Due to the properties of different materials, the service temperature varies from 90-150 ℃. At present, all three materials have chemical corrosion resistance.

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  • The second staff sports meeting of Fxsino in 2024 was held
    October 22, 2024

    The second employee sports meet of Pingxiang Fxsino Petrochemical Packing Co., Ltd was successfully held in the company's factory area from September 23 to September 30, 2024. This sports meet has a total of 11 events and 200 participants. At this sports meeting, prepared generous bonuses for the athletes who achieved rankings. During the meeting, every employee demonstrated a spirit of active struggle, unity, and courage to challenge.   The first thing to start was the tug of war competition, where we were divided into 8 teams. Each team was united. Amidst the cheers, they fought against each other, and their passion surged! The cheers and sweat are all witnesses of the unity and hard work of the people on the field. In addition to team competitions, there are also individual events such as badminton, table tennis, billiards, shooting, skipping rope, 100 meters, chess, etc. We cater to the diverse sports needs of our colleagues, allowing them to exercise and enjoy sports while getting closer to each other, enhancing friendship, cohesion, and the willingness and ability to cooperate as a team. This continuously adds laughter, joy, and new motivation to the sports meet.    

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  • 304 316 Metal Difference IMTP Ring
    April 18, 2024

    Many appliances in our life are made of stainless steel, and there are many kinds of stainless steel. What is the difference between 304 stainless steel and 316 stainless steel?  What is the difference between 304 stainless steel and 316 stainless steel?? 1. Chemical composition is different: 304 has no molybdenum element, while 316 has molybdenum element. 304 316 Metal Difference IMTP Ring2. The corrosion resistance is different: 304 contains only 9% nickel, while 316 contains 12% nickel, so the corrosion resistance of 304 is worse.3. Performance difference: 304 has better corrosion resistance, acid resistance and alkali resistance, while 316 has better chloride corrosion resistance and heat resistance due to the addition of molybdenum. They are very similar in appearance. SS304% SS316 is austenitic, non-magnetic and non-heat-hardening. 1. Different element composition SS304 – → Chromium – 18%, Nickel 8% SS316 – → chromium – 16%, nickel 10% and molybdenum 2% 2. Different performance Adding molybdenum to SS316 helps to resist chloride such as seawater. It is more suitable for coastal cities. SS304 is usually cheaper and mainly used for kitchen utensils, pots and tanks. SS316 has high corrosion resistance and can be used for oil refining equipment, pharmaceutical equipment, fasteners, bolts, etc. 3. Different maintenance methods//304 316 Metal Difference IMTP Ring 304 stainless steel: 18cr-8ni-0.08c has good corrosion resistance, oxidation resistance and processability. It is resistant to strong oxygen acid and can be stamped. It can be used to make containers, tableware, metal furniture, architectural decoration, and medical appliances. 316 stainless steel: 18cr-12ni-2.5Mo is common in coastal buildings, ships, nuclear power chemistry and food equipment. It not only improves the corrosion resistance of chemical hydrochloric acid and ocean, but also improves the corrosion resistance of brine halogen solution. 4. Different brands//304 316 Metal Difference IMTP Ring 304 316 Metal Difference IMTP Ring 304 stainless steel is 0Cr18Ni9, while 316 stainless steel is 0Cr17Ni12Mo2 Anythings more that you need, please tell us forward. Thank you.  

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  • On Site Learning Of Tower Installation Orifice Corrugated Packing
    April 18, 2024

    Led by Xu Nina, the sales director of the team, Qiu Juan, Wang Lin and others of the sales team went to a tower project company in Fuzhou, Jiangxi Province to study on site. On the scene, the engineer led us to see the external structure and internal structure of the tower, as well as the orifice plate corrugated packing, how to install the stainless steel distributor, and the separation tower. Cooling water tower. Resolution tower. The study of the actual site construction made us have a more intuitive understanding and feeling in the later stage of communicating with customers Tower installation Orifice corrugated packing about the details of products. it ‘ s a rewarding trip.Tower installation Orifice corrugated packing.  

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